Monday, September 29, 2014

F1 in School: Achievement in years 2013 and 2014

This year, our team has done our school proud, having clenched Best Pit Display  (Team Aeropheonix 2.0) and the Gold award (Team Agility V). And we are getting ready for the World Finals competition next year.
Team Henderson has been representing Singapore at the F1 In Schools World Finals for four years, from 2010 – 2014. We sent an Observation Team to the F1 in schools World Finals 2013 which was held in Texas, USA as we were the F1 in schools National Finals 2013 Championship. We were 1st in Fastest Car Category, 1st  in Best Team Identify and was award the Team Gold Award as well as the Overall Championships for R Type Category. As for the D type (Team Dragster), we won the Best Pit Display and Team Gold Award.

Team Aerophoenix 2.0 and Team Agility V in Action

RnE was racing in the F1 in School National Competition in term 3.
In F1 national competition, students are challenged to create the fastest racing car and to come up with business plan to sponsor their project and to present all they have done in front of a panel of judges. Nerve wrecking? U bet it! And they did it! Weixuan (3E1), Yitian (3E2), Jerin (3E1), Weiyi (3E1), Felix(3E1), Ezekiel (1E1), Jillian (1E2),Cheryl (1N1A), Justin (1E1) and Jeremy (1E1) came together to form two teams of Henderson,  Aeorpheonix.2 and Agility V, to compete with over 20 schools in Singapore. 3 month long of preparation and training paid off as we clenched the awards of Best Pit Display Team and Gold Award. The battle isn’t over yet… We are now getting ready to compete in the Four by Four Competition in London and F1 in School World Finals next year. Our aim is nothing less than a championship.

Visiting Schaeffler Group to receive our Special Weapon
Happy Packing

Arrived at NUS Utown
Ezekiel Prepared to
Jeremy ready to launch the car
Jillian setting the booth
The R Type Team: Aerophoenix 2.0
The R Type Car
Presenting our booth to one of the delegates
The D Type Car'14
The D Type: Agility V

Weixuan getting ready to launch the car

Racing in SP Solar Car Competition 2014: 1st Runner Up

For the National Junior Solar Sprint Car (NJSSC), Felix (3E1), Ezekiel (1E2) and Jeremy (1E1) worked really hard to build a solar car, inspired by the design of a Desert Storm Operation Tank of the US Army (DSOTRSA). There was a twist to our DSOTRSA inspired car, though. Instead of giving it a brown colour, inherent to the cardboard they used, they smeared it with dark green and pitch black paints, entirely in the style of army. The end product was beautiful! On the day of the competition, the sun was on our side except during the last race where we were only 7 milliseconds away from championship! Yes, we are the proud First Runner Up!
Below are snapshots of what happened there! Check them out... 
Henderson Team of Three Building Henderson 2014 Solar Car

The Three Hendersonians of RnE 

 Felix Getting Our Car Ready for The Race

When One of the Screws Came Off, Lost and Was Found

 We Were the Champion in the Second Last Knock Out Race

 Henderson Car on the 4th Lane durign the Second Last Race

Ezekiel Interacting with The Guest of Honour

 Our Proud Team Henderson


Stay tuned to news from RnE as we are going to take part time in F1 in School National competition in 1.5 months time!